I stumbled upon a new set of boxes in the pay-as-you-go aisle of Target this evening. The new provider on the block is Net10. From the way I’m reading the brocure, it looks like they’re a subsidiary of TracFone rather than an MVNO on top of TracFone’s network. Their schtick is simple: nationwide calling costs 10 cents. They also reward the purchase of larger refill cards by making the minutes last longer. For example, a $30, 300 minute card lasts 30 days, while a $180, 1800 minute card lasts 6 months. They also charge 5 cents a pop for text messages, which is less than what most carriers charge their montly invoiced customers.
The phone selection isn’t spectacular, but they get the job done. Available phones include the Nokia 1100 (which honestly I think is pretty cute), Nokia 2600, the funky Motorola C155, and the Motorola V171. The phones are relatively cheap without the frills that you might get on GoPhone or Boost Mobile, but the service is obviously aimed at cost-concious consumers who value a bargain over bling.
TracFone has done a smart thing by targeting a niche that has gone largely untapped. They need to keep on their toes though, bargain hunters don’t have much brand loyalty and the space could get very crowded very quickly.
644 responses to “Net10: Tracfone\’s New Pseudo-MVNO”
Super Post!
Thanks for the enlightening informaiton.
We have millions of satisfied customers that are refering their friends, you would never know how many new customers we are getting, we are growing, our policies are changing, I remember one of your complaints about the new rates but this new rates have given us thousands of customers because customers are paying less money per minute, we know you are cheap you always want to get more and more without paying anything, the good thing is that not all the customers are like you, we are changing technologies, we are getting more tools to give better customer service, we don’t have many complaints as we did in the past, so Fuck YOU!!! delflyzero=shame=charles
Petaca just from reading your posts you sound fucked up. send me some of what your smoking.
Petaca just from reading your posts you sound fucked up. send me some of what your smok ing.
Hope toss will be transferred soon. You ll see…
otherwise, why ros is having 800 agents and you 50?
Don’t be stupid!!! there is no call center that has 50 agents, did you read the e-mail that was sent to your VM a couple of months ago, according to that e-mail call center from ros does not pay taxes so more likely they have more agents because of that, by the way do you know what place was ros last month ??? this call center was not even on the top 3
Quality is not quantity, belize call center has over 500 agents and 99% of those agents don’t know what they are doing, I think that the same thing happens to ros agents
i’ll agree, and this time, i will not only say that ros agents are really fuck up, i have an example…… you can go ahead a check case #11359294, i ros idiot create this case, promised the cust that he was going to received a motorola c343 and what this fucker did was add in the notes that cust was requesting this specific phone, the case was never escalated and on the case said REPLECEMENT PHONE: NOKIA 2126… guess wich was the phone cust received??? and cust had the DMP and 410 u pending on the nokia phone, guess what, cust start yellin at me (this time he had a justified reason) becouse this fucker never got to do the job well and not only that, this rep promised cust 100 u for inconvinience and not even add any kind of records into the case, i had to listen to the cust complain for 45 min…… so you see, ros are indeed fucked up!!!!! tRP you want depts transfered to ros, i would say why dont you just stick the microphone up your ass and let the reps that know what they are doing work!!!!
also just for you to know, we have almost 500 agents, dont know if you heard that tracfone wants the guatemala call center to be the biggest, but we just dont have enough people for the job, as petaca says, we dont care for quantity, only quality!!!
shame is an asswipe, that was a really great story. great job!
u know what Personality Updates does Petaca need?
a new Master Sid in the brain, some Restrictions in the mouth and a fuckin’ T-Test to see how much is Petaca valued. cya guys
and u, don’t say so much shit, bye
Fuck you Mike (from rosario) te duele que te digan que no sos el mas grande, sho se que si, como el 90% de los argentinos crees que te lo mereces todo… mejor espera a que tu seleccion sea eliminada en el mundial, che ya ni para el futbol son buenos
petaca, me parece q estas equivocado. belice tiene 50 agentes y rosario paga impuestos. es cordoba el q esta exento
che, petaca, vos seguis siendo universal agent x q sos tan bueno como decis? yo estoy en RAF y me rasco el culo todo el dia. y cuando entra una llamada ( una por hora mas o menos), la corto y listo. triste lo tuyo…
rosario es el call center q tiene mas empleados, a pesar de pagar impuestos y ser el call center q mas caro le sale a TF per capita. por algo sera, no te parece?
che giles, no se dan cuenta q en rosario hacemos cualquiera para cortar rapido? total despues los negros tercermundistas centroamericanos q se jodan 😀 x q se piensan q rosario crece y tiene mas agentes? hacemos las cosas asi x q somos vivos, no como uds q se creen q tienen q resolver las cosas y despues tienen un TT de mierda. juajuajua
para q vas a renegar al pedo con los clientes si les podes dar 20 unidades y q no rompa las pelotas. q despues reniegue otro.
argentina es bicampeon mundial…cuantas copas tiene gua/col o el pais de 4º donde vivis?
giles!!! x q les interesa a UDS la calidad y calentarse, si ni a tracfone ni a sus jefes ni a nadie les interesa??? cobran una miseria y quieren solucionar todo??? JUAJUAJUA
no va de mala onda, sino para q se den cuenta de q es al pedo x q A NADIE LE INTERESA!!!! TF todo lo q quiere es tener a los custs esperando lo menos posible, x q con eso rankean mejor segun los parametros yanquis de atencion al cliente. y quieren q te los saques de encima rapido, aunq sea con un par de units; NO Q LE SOLUCIONES LA VIDA!!!
yo puedo estar media hora con un cliente q valga la pena, pero si es un pelotudo, lo fleto al toque.
charles i know the reason why youre unhappy. its becasue your mom is unhappy the day she concieved you but all she really need is a good gangbang.She is unhappy therefore you are unhappy. Go to BAngBus.com to see her get a good gangbang. She was really happy to get all her holes plugged up and to swallow a few cumshots. She even said that for a day she was happy and that it made up for the day that you were born.
Hey Joey, tal vez tenes razon en parte de lo que decis,pero fijate que belize tiene mas de 500 agentes, porq crees que hay la mayoria de cagadales viene de este call center, palabra que no saben lo que estan haciendo. tal vez porq estas en RAF no te das cuenta que lo q hace la gente de tu call center,eso de ser bicampeon me vale 20, ahora si van a ir a dar el culo en el mundial… y al igual que vos decis esto no va de mala onda es puritita realidad.
500 agentes belice?!?!?!? mierda. con razon, habran crecido mas de lo q les da el cuero para entrenarlos. no se como seran las politicas de tu call center, pero en el mio no son muy alentadoras. ademas de la miseria q pagan, nadie tiene ganas de calentarse. y lo del mundial ya lo se. el ultimo mundial ni me gaste en mirarlo x q ya se q argentina no sale campeon nunca mas. como juntas 11 tipos q nunca jugaron juntos y pretendes hacer un equipo q juegue armado? sumado al juego leeeento de argentina. nos agarra japon un pelotazo de contragolpe y es gol. brasil tb tiene el estilo sudamericano de juego lento, pero brasil jugando lento, o jugando con 4 jugadores menos, es superior a cualquier equipo de lejos.
los equipos mediocres juegan al pelotazo y de tantos q tiran alguno meten. argentina tiene 11 estrellas, pero esperan q esten 10 en el area chica para echar un centro. y no nos da el cuero para eso. Ya no tenemos un Maradona. brasil tiene como 5 maradonas.
sinceramentte, el del ’78 (argentina 78) lo compramos y el del ’86 (Mejico) lo gano maradona.
aflojale loco con volarte los pelos con TF x q no vas a ganar nada; solo q te vengan algun dia con q ‘no cumplis con el perfil de la empresa’
Joey_ramone > who tha hell do u think u are? don’t u think that if u make some more effort u’ll be making some fuckin’ niggas feel better? uhu.. hey dude, don’t think this work is just to go sit and release calls. beacuse of fuckers like u i gotta talk with a grany for 2 hours and make her understand what a promo code is for..
make some effort dude, it won’t kill u…
Nice going Mike, Guys like Joey can kill a company also people like Petaca
Ok mike and sammmy apparently you are from belize can you explain why is it that you always screw up everything???
did you receive training???
joey_ramone, voy a escribir esta mierda en español para que la entendas bien!!!! describis el tipico argentino cara de culo que se cree la octava maravilla, pero que en definitiva no es mas que un huevon, incapaz, estupido y egocentrico. huevon pues esperas que otros hagan tu trabajo, incapaz, por que jamas vas a tener pizca de profesionalidad, estupido, pork parece que no sale nada inteligente de tu cabeza y egocentrico, por que a pesar que tu pais esta en la mierda, solo podes ver los defectos de los demas.
che, en serio, pensalo, si tracfone te esta pagando una mierda (lo cual es cierto) consegui otro trabajo….. como no hay!!!! entonces hace la mierda de trabajo que tenes bien, no por los clientes, no por la compañia sino por integridad, por que entonces la mierda que te pagan ni te la mereces!!!!
sos un boludo, y dañas la imagen de todo tu pais, apuesto que hay gente en argentina que se esfuerza por hacer un buen trabajo, que como el resto de nosotros tiene infinidad de quejas pero al mismo tiempo le da gracias a Dios por no tener que pasar hambre, por poder pagar sus estudios o por poder ayudar a mantener a su familia, afectas la labor de los demas,pero como sos tan pelotudo, apuesto que ni eso te averguenza!!!! me das asco!!!!!!!!
sabes q yo trato de escaparle a la inteligencia, pero es mas rapida q yo. no es q me guie por esto, pero creo q 142 de IQ me ayuda a pensar lo q pienso. una cosa es ser inteligente y otra muy distinta es pensar distinto q vos. el tema de la profesionalidad, tragatelo x q ni vos ni yo somos profesionales. hasta un mono puede leer scripts. y ser un explotado contento y gastarse su magro sueldo en una cajita feliz es una decision tuya. YO decido a q “nigga” ayudar y a quien no. a TF le interesa? NO. a mi me interesa ayudar a uno q me dice fuckin indian? NO.
tengo integridad. pero antes de la integridad estan la dignidad y los valores. No me voy a poner a explicarte como funciona un sistema politico-social, ni porq pienso como pienso. simplemente te digo q ayudo a quien segun mi escala de valores VALE. no creo q valga la pena hablarte de explotacion o de imperialismo x q parece q tenes claras tus ideas. segun to ‘integridad’, te dejarias pisar la cabeza si ‘la ley’ lo dice. trata de usar la cabeza, no de acumular sistemas de pensamiento ajenos. sabes a quien pertenece ese pensamiento q te incorporaron? a quien te explota haciendote creer q es lo correcto. te hacen creer q sos “profesional” y vos te lo comes. got it?
otro dia trato de explicarte un poco mas como funcionan las cosas (al menos en mi cabeza librepensante). un año y medio de trabajar aca me hizo pensar asi. antes yo tb pensaba q si estaba en la ley estaba bien. guess what, para la ley yanqui esta bien q un homeless se muera desangrado en la calle si no tiene 500 dolares para ser llevado por una ambulancia..para vos esta bien? es correcto?
How can I stop my Net10 phone from receiving/sending text messages. I don’t want to receive them period. I have the Motorola c155. Thanks
What you can do to not send or receive text messages, is to change the MESSAGE CENTER NUMBER. U’ll find the instructions in the users guide or u can call us. if you put an invalid numbre there, it will not work
That’s a good optio Joey, but if he call us more likely the agent will go ahead and select the Edit contact info option and select do not sms,
petaca You just want to fight, ah? U should know that TF cannot remove ANY feature. Therefore, the SMS cannot be removed. If you do what u suggest, he will not receive sms from N10. guess what, he will still receive sms from other people and he will still be able to send them. so, it will solve NOTHING. Don’t you know nothing? and u’re the one who complaints about other agents??? It wouldn’t surprise me if I find a case that says ‘cust want to remove the sms feature. please assist. thanks!!!’. Now I’m figuring out why you’re still universal. you don’t even know the basic!!!
RCH, there is no way to remove any feature. the only you can do is to disable it by doing what I said. So, if the SMS center number is wrong, you won’t receive the messages and you’ll not be charged. Do not try to send them either, because you won’t be able to and you will more likely be charged anyway
Anyway, I suggest that you keep the sms center number in case that some day you need to send a message. just put it back in and then you’ll be able to do it. If you call us, we can give you the number, but you’ll need another phone and will take some time.
pienso lo que pienso….. damm youre deep, i would not even like to talk about imperialism with you, becouse i know to much about it to waste my time with a monkey like you….. you say something about being exploited, in what way you see yourself exploited??? common you work around 7 hours a day, 6 days a week, it sucks becouse you dont get payed that much, in fact when you start realizing how much money is tracfone doing you get to see that youre getting payed SHIT, but is the job that hard??? do you get that tired??? you sit on a desk to talk with custs the entire shift…. its not like you have to be that brlliant (even you can do the job, not that well but anyways), so what do you want??? from the way a see it, in every fucking thing you do in this life, better do it well or dont do it at all, you say it yourself, tracfone really dont gives a shit, but do it for yourself, you’ll see how you get to apreciate things when you do an effort, perhaps then you’ll change for better!!!!
petaca: no es tan asi. vos tampoco debes darte cuenta de las cagadas que hacen las personas de tu call center (que son muchas te informo!)
lo peor que hiciste fue postear la informacion de un case, pelotudo. eso habla de lo poco profesional que sos porque, uno puede hablar aca del trabajo pero todos corremos un riesgo y hasta puedo descubrir quien sos si “updateaste” el caso ese que pusiste.si lo updeteaste y dice tu nombre, que tal si tracfone leyera tus comentarios? buenisima patada en el culo te ponen!!!!
Pero como sos pelotudo y estupido no te das cuenta los riesgos que corres, ni la informacion que posteas aca…
segundo, vos mismo dijiste anteriormente que tu manager “logro” que toss quedara en tu call center…. porque a donde era que lo iban a transladar? a rosario papa…
tercero: el call center que absorve 60 porciento de las llamadas de la empresa entera es el mejor, por cierto. No se quien dijo que belize tiene 500 empleados, informense bien que tiene 50 que lo unico que hacen es llamar para transferir (me canso de atender esta gente transfiriendo llamadas)
tienen un ingles rarisimo e inentendible, ademas de los equipos malos (cada vez que te llaman de belize se escuchan unos ruidos horrendos sale feisima la comunicacion).
cuarto: en tgu son 50 monos que lo unico que chequean es cosas de TOSS…eso que dices de que van a agrandarlo, es una mentira…..
en fin metete el t test y la sequence en el orto negro de mierda cuando te quedes sin laburo porque un compañero mio lo va a tener me voy a mear de la risa, puto.
debes ser el puto ese que se llama gual_demar CHUPAME UN HUEVO!!!
i’ll agree, and this time, i will not only say that ros agents are really fuck up, i have an example…… you can go ahead a check case #11359294, i ros idiot create this case, promised the cust that he was going to received a motorola c343 and what this fucker did was add in the notes that cust was requesting this specific phone, the case was never escalated and on the case said REPLECEMENT PHONE: NOKIA 2126… guess wich was the phone cust received??? and cust had the DMP and 410 u pending on the nokia phone, guess what, cust start yellin at me (this time he had a justified reason) becouse this fucker never got to do the job well and not only that, this rep promised cust 100 u for inconvinience and not even add any kind of records into the case, i had to listen to the cust complain for 45 min…… so you see, ros are indeed fucked up!!!!! tRP you want depts transfered to ros, i would say why dont you just stick the microphone up your ass and let the reps that know what they are doing work!!!!
also just for you to know, we have almost 500 agents, dont know if you heard that tracfone wants the guatemala call center to be the biggest, but we just dont have enough people for the job, as petaca says, we dont care for quantity, only quality!!!
Thanks for your useful blog. So Tracfone is a Mexican company doing business in US as MVNO. Do you know if US companies are allowed to go to Mexico and set up an MVNO? I can’t find anywhere if it is allowed or not. I don’t know where to look for info either. Thanks for any help you can give me.
I for one have to say that I have had no problems with Tracfone customer service reps. If I have trouble understanding something they say I merely say “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand you” and they will politely repeat what they said. Common courtesy works.
of course you can. only that it wouldn’t be profitable. Do you have any idea of what capitalism is? there are no companies with only US or mexican capitals, for if you don’t know.
So, the united states has oil companies in Irak? Do you know if Irak can dig for petrol in united states? I can’t find anywhere if it is allowed or not. I don’t know where to look for info either. You’re so short minded.
oh, by the way, don’t buy a Cingular, because it’s not ‘american’ either. guess what? it’s mexican!!
Trp el que tiene que informarse sos vos..porq no le preguntas a tu supervisor incompetente ese pelotudo que al igual que vos cree que se lo merece todo cuantos agentes tiene belize, me sorprende que digas que tiene 50,antes de asegurar algo verificalo con ese pelotudo …belize tiene mas de 500 agentes si no pedile que chequee cuantos agentes hay conectados mientras vos estas en tu call center de mierda… lo muy menos van a tener 250, imaginate si tienen 2 shifts de mañana y tarde suma 500 pero sos tan idiota que supones que van a tener 25 en cada shift…esa estupidez que decis no tiene sentido que el mejor call center es el que mas agentes tiene… de ser asi belize seria de los mejores pero la realidad es que ese call center es una vil mierda…si queres preguntale otra cosa al idiota(pero mas idiota que vos)de tu supervisor…preguntale en que lugar esta rosario… ese call center de mierda esta por los suelos pero eso no es lo peor ese call center es el que lucha con belize para llevarse la copa de los mas estupidos, si queres comprobarlo lee lo que puso trac rep “if for something the cust is saying “ok i dont want that phoneâ€â€¦. well… im putting this in the case… and.. problem of the warehouse honey!!! cause my job is done, and if the sys is showing that THE SYS GOT THE REASON!!!” esta es la misma situacion de la que nos habla tgu estos idiotas de rosario no saben que si quieren que la warehouse lea las notas se debe de escalar el caso…si el imbecil de tu supervisor te mantiene informado tenes que saber que el warehouse no va a mandar c343 o v60 cdma a los clientes simplemente ya no tienen mas telefonos, suerte que ese cliente todavia recibio el modelo despues de que escalaran el caso(que por cierto no lo hizo ninguno de los 2 idiotas de rosario)joey ramone no quiero pelear, te dije que era una buena idea, a mi parecer buenisima, lo que trataba de decirte es que haria cualquier otro agente, no malinterpretes aparenetemente vos no sos de los que hacen idioteces, cualquier call center tiene uno que otro agente que si sabe lo que se tiene que hacer…por cierto eso que decis acerca de quitar alguna feature yo mismo lo he visto hacer incluso agentes de col lo hacen(a pesar que ellos tienen LA) hace mucho tiempo (mas de 2 años) que yo se que no hay forma de quitar features, incluso hay idiotas que crean casos por q el telefono suena solo 3 o 4 veces antes de que conteste el vm, si siguen el flow dice que si el sistema esta ocupado o tratando de buscar señal tomara mas o menos veces antes de q conteste el vm…
Joey_R it’s Iraq not Irak.
learn how to hack a trac fone at
sammy, defly or whoever it is, IRAK or IRAQ, is the same. It’s because irakies don’t write with Latin characters (if, by any chance you know what that is). Let me explain you like I would explain it to a 3 year old boy: Letters A to Z, where invented by the romans (from Rome), in what is Italy today, wich is in Europe (You see, you learnt that Europe is a continent and not a country :D). We adopted those characters (the letters you and I use). Iraqies (or irakies), use different GLIPHS (look for a dictionary, I’m not your teacher), therefore, IRAK or IRAQ is a PHONETIC translation. It means that you write it ‘like it sounds’. So, it’s the same to write irak or iraq, as long as it sounds the same to your ears (I couldn’t tell how a japanese writes it. You see, you learnt something else: japaneses use yet another type of characters)
By the way, if you are gonna start discusing about names wrongly written, why don’t you first look at the BRAZILIAN flag and see that it says ‘Republica Federativa do BraSil’. BraSil is with ‘S’, not with ‘Z’, as you may think. and it’s not a county of South Mexico.
Yes Joey_R but the People of Iraq spell it Iraq. So does the rest of the world.
how would you like me to spell Mexico like Mexkaco ?
Learn How to Hack a Trac Fone at
Delflyzero you’re just the same old MotherFucker no matter what name you user so just go FUCK YOURSELF!
Sammy i know the reason why youre unhappy. its becasue your mom is unhappy the day she concieved you but all she really need is a good gangbang.She is unhappy therefore you are unhappy. Go to BAngBus.com to see her get a good gangbang. She was really happy to get all her holes plugged up and to swallow a few cumshots. She even said that for a day she was happy and that it made up for the day that you were born.
Fuck you let me write whatever I want
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TRP estas equivocado con el call center de tgu…ese call center tiene mas de 200 agentes y si estan creciendo preguntale a tu sup(por que vos no sabes ni mierda)
lo del crecimiento mucho menos lo vas a saber.. si tgu dice que va a crecer es por algo pelotudoidiotaimbecil… vos sos de los argentinos que va a italia y dice “che porque todos los italianos tienen apeshidos argentinos??
pues de que crecemos; crecemos, tenia algo de tiempo sin chequear bien los posts, primero este imbecil de tRP cree que utilize mi login para darle un update al caso (te puse este de ejemplo precisamente por k no utilize el mio, de lo contrario te llenaria la pagina con todos los k recivo con cagadas de ros)…. a huevos!!!!! ni que fuera vos, pelotudo, luego, este cerote me dice k si tracfone ve los comentarios k he hecho me van a joder… =) soña amigo!!!!! (primero no hay forma de verifir quien fue realmente el k escalo el caso, osea yo (x si no entendes), segundo por k seria milagro k tf viera esta pagina y tercero por k les vale madre) me van a joder pork hablo de ser profesionales, de atender bien a los clientes…. ya veo la pisada k me van a dar!!!!! PELOTUDO!!!!
segundo, estaban hablando de eliminar el msg center number para k el cust dejara de recivir/mandar mensajes de txt…. si eliminan este numero, a huevo k el cust no va a poder mandar msjes, aunque le cobran 0.3 u por intento (GSM FEE)… pero va seguir reciviendo msjes!!!!! no hay forma de desactivar esta mierda, para GUY, learn how to use this feature, piriod. youll see how its going to become an useful tool, couse there is no fucking way to stop incoming txt msgs, dont trouble yourself trying to disable this feature, i tell you its not going to work!!! bye
y ultimo, k putas nos pasa, cuando empeze a dejar posts, queria conocer a mis compañeros de otros paises, esos k pasan la misma mierda k yo dia a dia, y resulto dandome berga con todos!!!! K PUTAS!!!! el joey_ramone suena como un pelotudo bien hecho, pero derrepente se fuma una su mierda linguistica, k si bien no es la maravilla pues algo de conocimiento tiene, el petaca solo dandose berga con quien ingresa a la pagina (no vayas a empezar conmigo) y tRP solo pelotudo tiene en la boca…. calma sujetos!!!!! k querramos o no, pertenezemos a la misma mierda, ya suficiente tenemos con el bergo de llamadas k hay…..cual es la gana de pelear??? total todos creemos k somos el mejor call center, fijemonos en nuestras virtudes y nuestros defectos, k son los unicos k realmente conocemos!!!!
Hey guys i really dont know, but all of you have really big issues your all should seek therapy tracfone is fuking your minds up.. stop the nonsense. We all are really screw with all the shit that is coming form Coorporate Ofices Must of you have no idea that at any point you can loose your job and all the crap that you bicth about. All of us from ROS, BAS , AAX, COL, BOL, SAL TGU, GEO, BLZ how is the i dont give a fuck DO YOU…. well you are selfcenter and a fucking looser because you have no life bitching about it just shows that you have nothing elese on your sorry ass life… this was just a brief reply to all the crap that has been posted here…. good luck
Any customer seeking help or any person who has a question abuot this product i will be glad to give the best possible and honest answer or advise that is possible.. trough this blog. And if im question for this post by any of CSR’s on this blog your more than wellecome to replay. Really you have taken this blog about a product and turn it into your own personal battleground.
There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.
Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It’s easy.
There’s nothing you can make that can’t be made.
No one you can save that can’t be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
It’s easy.
There’s nothing you can know that isn’t known.
Nothing you can see that isn’t shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.
It’s easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
What´s up mother fuckers??? Argentina rules!!!!!
The fun thing is america is now cracking down about
mexicans crossing the border. so not you aall can go fuck yourselves.
You what the funny thing is sammy? is that you must be fucking a redneck which never went to school because you keep think that every Latino that you hear on the other side of a phone or is trying to get to your country is from mexico!!!! Read men the world is not just your USA of america!!!! People like you create anger among races and hatred between cultures. Inside the USA you have 18 millon working emigrants so if you take them out you will need to go back to work and stop get your wellfer check every month. So think about how many people from the other side of the border you have inside the USA this with out the chinnes, hindus, koreans, jewish, ect.. so if you have some knowlage please remmeber that your country was built by emigrants. Racist preek.
Hey sammy, I enjoyed september 11th. 2001, I am waiting for anothe one, ja ja, fuck you and your stupid language and your stupid country.
Ché que aburrido sha no pusieron mas comentarios y sho q tan entretenido q estaba