Access an amazon detail page from your local library’s website, or any website with an ISBN in the url.
A quick URL replacement in Jon Udell’s LibraryLookup program allows you to go an amazon detail page from any url with a single ISBN number in it. This was a request by one of Jenny (the shifted librarian)’s friends. So anyway, here it is:
AmazonLookup (Redirect)
The usual: drag it to your ‘Links’ bar on internet explorer, go to a URL with an ISBN in it (a library page for example), click AmazonLookup, and you’re there. I wondered how fun it would be to transport yourself from Amazon’s page about a book to Barnes and Noble’s page about the same book. A little more URL tweaking, and we have:
BNLookup (Redirect)
Feel free to pop by your local library’s website, pop over to Amazon, to Barnes and Noble, back to your local library, and so on.
Update: It should now open full screen in a new window with toolbars and all that good stuff. I have tested it with IE6, Phoenix 0.5, and Mozilla under windows. Let me know if you have any problems. I have licensed AmazonLookup and BNLookup under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. The original work (and all of the heavy lifting) was done by Jon Udell. These two scripts are merely a quick hack on Jon’s awesome idea. See Jon’s recent post for details. Redirect version added at Dan Gillmor’s request.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.