My J2ME Hello World Experience



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Yep.  I followed Colin Fahey’s guide and got his “Hello World” app to run on an emulator.  That emulator is officially the ugliest phone on earth, don’t you think?  Everything was really easy to do, and pretty much just worked.  I set up a file called “j2me.bat” which sets the environment variables that I need, and when compiling, I had to substitute “-classpath” for “-bootclasspath.”  Overall it was an extremely pleasant experience.  Maybe it’s time to take PocketBlog to the next level. 

I want to state for the record that I glanced at Kablog the other day, though I did not look at it in depth.  I feel that this is a neccesary statement because I might end up with something similar in one way or another to Kablog, and I want to come up with something from scratch.  What I end up with will be released with source (license TBD), and I don’t want to be ripping off a well done commercial product, I want to end up with my own thing.

Of course, I’ll keep you updated with my findings.