Category: Open Source

  • Mono & .Net: The odd couple


    And de Icaza says he has unofficial word that in the coming weeks Microsoft plans to share .Net-related intellectual property. Pending review by Microsoft lawyers, he says, “Microsoft patents on technology developed specifically for .Net will be granted royalty-free to those trying to implement the spec.”

    [Via Newsforge]

  • Is it Software?

    Jon Udell:

    Text is code, code is data, data is text.

  • IBM’s Open Source Storage


    SAN JOSE, Calif.–To encourage the broadest possible support for its forthcoming “Storage Tank” technology, IBM will release an open-source version of the software needed to let servers tap into the next-generation storage system.

    Big Blue is working with an undisclosed open-source group on the software and will release the code when the product is generally available in 2003, said David Pease, manager of storage software at IBM’s Almaden Research Center and leader of the 5-year-old Storage Tank project. In addition, IBM plans to publish the communication method fundamental to the next-generation storage project.

  • VPN on Mac OSX

    Jason Deraleau/O’Reilly Mac DevCenter:

    Virtual Private Networking is a valuable tool for system and network administrators. It’s an excellent way to reduce the costs of multiple site and remote access networks, while simultaneously increasing the overall security of your network.

    In a moment, I’ll introduce some of the VPN tools that come with Mac OS X, but first, I’d like to help you become familiar with a few basic concepts and some terminology.

    As always, read on for the full story.

  • RMS Clarifies CC Licenses for Software and the GPL

    Thank you to Richard Stallman for getting back to me:

    I expect that most of these licenses are incompatible with the GPL, but they said they would not recommend their licenses for software, so compatibility with the GPL should not really matter much in practice.

  • If You Point to It…

    Well, if I point to enough stuff, I’m bound to help somebody.  I’ve managed to point to two projects that might help Rick (the techno weenie) open source his homebrew RSS aggregator.  Good luck, Rick.

  • Firebird 1.02

    Firebird 1.02, is available to download.  1.02 is a bugfix/maintenance release of the open source database program.

  • ksLogger


    ksLogger is ‘yet another Java logging package’. 🙂 To be honest, I don’t even know what’s out there. But I do know that ksLogger is small (<10KB jar file) and has a couple of neato features. Let’s go through the features shall we?

    Version 1.01 is out.  Here are the changes:

    There are three new methods for determining the current log level: isWarn(), isInfo(), and isDebug(). Each method returns true if the log level is greater than or equal to the desired level. For example, if the log level is currently set to INFO, then isWarn() and isInfo() will return true, and isDebug() will return false.

    It looks to be pretty lightweight and only JDK/JRE >=1.3.  Of course the defacto logging standard is Jakarta’s Log4J, but sometimes you’re looking for that lighter weight alternative solution.

  • Red Hat to Drop Sparc, Alpha Support

    Newesforge aggregates that Red Hat is dropping support for Alpha and Sparc in the near future.  That’s okay, because NetBSD will still run ’em!

  • Lawrence Lessig on CC for Software Licenses

    Lawrence Lessig weighs in on CC for software licenses:

    Matt Croydon wonders about how CC licenses will interact with software. The answer is that they won’t. We share RMS’s concern that there is a proliferation of licenses in software. Our view was that there was a dearth for other creative content. Thus we start outside the software world. For now, at least.

    I’m going to take that as an authoritative answer.  Unfortunately, CC licenses are already being applied to software.  The cat’s out of the bag.  What do we do now?

  • Creative Commons and the GPL, Part N+1

    Decklin Foster sent me an email this morning:

    The GPL says that you can’t add any additional restrictions when distributing a derived work. So, while “attribution + share alike” would be compatible, anything involving “no derivs” or “non-commercial” would be incompatible with the GPL. Even if the CC license allowed you to add more restrictive terms (I haven’t read it), you would still end up with something not legally distributable, because the GPL’ed parts would no longer give you permission to distribute them under the GPL.

    The BSD/MIT license explicitly grants you the right to sublicence without stating any restrictions, so there is no problem here. (nb: while the BSD license is “attribution”, old-style 3-clause BSD license is “attribution + put my name on all your advertising materials”, which makes software licensed under such terms GPL-incompatible.) BSD-licensed software is GPL-compatible because (a) you can add any terms you want to the BSD’ed parts, and (b) the restrictions of the BSD license are a subset of those stated in the GPL.

  • The R Project for Statistical Computing

    Somehow I missed it yesterday, but Kenneth Hunt pointed to the R Project for Statistical Computing.  It looks like a damn powerful little package. The R Project for Statistical Computing

  • CC/GPL

    Phillip sheds some light on my Creative Commons as software licensing question:

    IMHO the GPL is “attribution + share alike”, and the BSD/MIT licenses are “attribution”. They’re just somewhat better understood for software. Any combination of “attribution” and “share alike” should be GPL-compatible.

    Cool.  I was thinking that the creative commons licenses should be GPL comptible at least in theory, but I was curious about what other people thought.  More speculations are welcome, of course.

    Sam Ruby has some insight this morning:

    The key difference between by-sa and GPL is one of marketing genious.

    Had Jon merely copyrighted his work, you could have copied it had you asked for and obtained Jon’s permission.  All Jon has done is let you know in advance under what conditions you are not even required to ask.

    …When you skip the intermediaries.

  • Slackware Review


    CRM wrote in to tell us that the folks at Distrowatch have tried Slackware on for size. The review can be found in its entirety here. Conclusions are not surprising: impressive, stable distro, but if you like bells and whistles, stay away.

    Slackware.  Lots of floppy disks.  I miss those days.

  • Creative Commons and Open Source Implications

    What kind of effect are the new Creative Commons licenses going to have on open source software?  I just released some code (which was just a little hack on Jon Udell’s code) under the attribution-share alike license.  I’m bound to do so, since Jon released his code under that license.

    How do the Creative Commons licenses interact with open source licenses such as the GPL, BSD, MIT, etc?  I know that the creative commons licenses are more for content and creative stuff, but it’s just been applied to code.  What are the consequences?

    IANAL, (I am not a Lawyer for those people that end up here via google six months from now), so I don’t know, but I’d love to hear about it.  I know that the Creative Commons licenses have all kinds of other implications, I just can’t think of them right now.

  • AmazonLookup and BNLookup Update

    Updated AmazonLookup and BNLookup to include a redirect option instead of a popup window.  This feature was at Dan Gillmor’s request.  I’ve also released the code under the same creative commons attribution-sharealike license that Jon used for the original code.

  • The Name’s Gump. Andy Gump

    Andy Oliver makes the case for Gump:

    So now you fix the nags as they happen, you know when major dependency breaks happen… Whoa…what are you going to do durring that integration phase? Buy Sam Ruby a beer and thank him.

    The last time I messed with Gump was before I read Erik and Steve’s awesome Java Development with Ant.  I need to play with Gump again in my “spare time,” as it would definately help me keep up with bleeding edge stuff in a fairly easy way.  I love how the entire java-based apache universe builds in just over an hour.

  • Eclipse Microkernel Discussion

    Carlos Perez discusses the Eclipse microkernel used in other projects, particularly JLense.

  • Arch Linux 0.4 (Dragon)

    Arch Linux, an i686-optimized Linux distro, released version 0.4 (Dragon) today.  Coverage comes from Judd Vinet’s Advogato diary, PCLinuxOnlone, and Freshmeat.  Arch Linux 0.4 is built using GCC3.2 with other tweaks and bugfixes.

  • Java Rendezvous

    Pelle Braendgaard:

    I always liked the way Apple Rendezvous or Zeroconf was written by combining existing internet standards like DNS and DHCP in different ways. Now we as Java developers can join in the fun as well. Strangeberry a cryptic (dare I say Stealth) startup in Palo Alto have released a LGPL’d library for publishing and listening for Rendezvous services. This is super cool I think. The library itself is nice and lean. What this means is that anyone with a SOAP, XML-RPC or even just plain vanilla HTML service can publish it easy for use on very local networks.

    Pelle also goes into some code snippets.  It’d be nice if everything figured out how to work with everything else, wouldn’t it?