Day: July 2, 2003

  • Opteron to Get Software Math Boost


    Advanced Micro Devices released software on Monday aimed at speeding up mathematical calculations on its Opteron processor and other future chips that use the AMD64 64-bit instruction set. The new Opteron is popular with high-performance technical computing users. The Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company hopes the new tool will make it easier for programmers to create software for financial, engineering, mathematical and scientific tasks.

  • Blogger Endorsement of (not)Echo

    It’s interesting to note that Blogger is scrapping their already-complete Blogger API 2.0 in favor of an echo-based API.  More information can be found on their site.

  • (not)Echo More Verbose than RSS?

    It’s interesting to note that Joel’s RSS feed currently weighs in at 14181 bytes, while his experimental (not)echo implementation weighs in at 18878 bytes.  Both feeds offer full content.

    I thought I’d double check as I noticed that the format is a little bit more verbose about post authors and such.  It’s no big deal, as you could easily gzip your feed and make the size difference a non-issue.

  • First Glimpse at Necho: All is Well

    Sam Ruby:

    I’ve taken a 2003/07/01 snapshot of the maximal example of the format previously known as echo.

    Joel has an example up, as does Mark.  I get good vibes when I read these example feeds.  They’re clean.  Zen.  The question is, when this format stabalizes, will we be able to parse necho feeds in a simple way using a namespace-aware parser?  Is everyone going to produce well-formed and valid necho?

    We shall see.  Looking at this spec freeze, I’m quite happy.  All of the political BS aside, this is good.  We have RSS, an entrenched syndication format that will most likely be used for years to come.  We also have (not)echo, a bleeding-edge format that will do syndication as well as posting and comments.  All is well in the world, at least for this brief moment.