Marklar: Every Mac conspiracy theory enthusiast’s new favorite word. From eWeek:
As Apple Computer Inc. draws up its game plan for the CPUs that will power its future generations of Mac hardware, the company is holding an ace in the hole: a feature-complete version of Mac OS X running atop the x86 architecture.
According to sources, the Cupertino, Calif., Mac maker has been working steadily on maintaining current, PC-compatible builds of its Unix-based OS. The project (code-named Marklar, a reference to the race of aliens on the “South Park” cartoons) has been ongoing inside Apple since the early days of its transition to the Unix-based Mac OS X in the late ’90s.
There’s a discussion at Slashdot. The best post is from Metafilter, though it will only be funny if you’re familiar with South Park:
Codename Marklar: Marklar is maintaining a feature-complete marklar of Marklar running on Marklar as a fall-back marklar in case the Marklar is no longer viable. Maintained since the early days of Marklar, Marklar gains greater relevance in the context of Marklar‘s inability to deliver higher-frequency Marklars, but is seen as less likely given Marklar‘s forthcoming 64-bit Marklar-based Marklar. (via Marklar)