Welcome back to PHP Foundations. Last time I introduced you to the basic file access methods available to PHP: fopen(), fputs(), and fgets(). Although very useful, these functions work only with strings. This week I’ll introduce to you more advanced file access functions that read and write binary files. We’ll talk about fread() (used for reading), fseek() (used to find specific parts of a given file), along with a few other useful file access functions.
Category: PHP
Working With Files in PHP, Part Two
I’ve finally taken the plunge and enabled catagories in Radio. I’ll be notifying javablogs soon!
PHP Backup Maker
PHP Backup maker is a small PHP script which reads a given source directory (with its subdirectories) and then creates a set of directories filled with the content of the source directory, arranged in groups to fit a given capacity. It can be used to create CD sets for backups. It also supports ISO image creation, direct CD burning via cdrecord, automatic file index creation, and more.
I hadn’t seen that before, it looks like a slick little project. In other freshmeat-related news, I have three people (other than myself) subscribed to the WAPBlog project. That is good to know for motivation purposes. If three other people are interested enough to subscribe, it’s my duty to improve the software. I like how that works.
Here are a list of RSS feeds for PHP in addition to the feed for the main site:
- news.php.net: php.db
- news.php.net: php.dev
- news.php.net: php.doc
- news.php.net: php.doc.chm
- news.php.net: php.general
- news.php.net: php.gtk.cvs
- news.php.net: php.gtk.general
- news.php.net: php.gtk.webmaster
- news.php.net: php.i18n
- news.php.net: php.lang
- news.php.net: php.install
- news.php.net: php.mirrors
- news.php.net: php.pear.cvs
- news.php.net: php.pear.dev
- news.php.net: php.pear.doc
- news.php.net: php.pear.general
- news.php.net: php.pres
- news.php.net: php.qa
- news.php.net: php.smarty.dev
- news.php.net: php.smarty.general
- news.php.net: php.soap
- news.php.net: php.windows
The links above like to the Syndic8 information page for the feed. Who will be the first person to create a PHP dashboard containing the last few RSS items for each feed? I think that the PHP team is doing the right thing by releasing all of these feeds. How could corporations and institutions learn from this list of RSS feeds?