Danger Hiptop SDK



Hack the Planet:

The Danger Hiptop SDK is available. Boing Boing posted an inaccurate rant from AaronSw about it; you actually can run your own apps on your own Hiptop. But it’s still a problem that only T-Mobile-approved apps can be downloaded. It’s increasingly clear that the cellular industry needs to be vertically disintegrated just like wired telcos and ISPs. People also need to learn that “unlimited” plans are part of the problem since they incentivize carries to screw with their customers. I’d much prefer an uncensored pay-per-bit plan.

So far, Danger and T-Mobile have been nonresponsive to developers.  They didn’t post any tech specs, and definately didn’t respond to the email that I sent them as a concerned developer.  I’m glad that they have released the SDK, but it might be too little too late.  Only time will tell, but Nokia and Motorola have been ten times more repsonsive to developers, giving out tech specs, SDKs and emulators to anyone that will take them.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll definately look into the Danger SDK.  I haven’t been able to find anyone locally with a working Hiptop on display for me to check a few crucial sites.  If there had been one available, I’d probably have one right now.  If the SDK was out at launch, I’d probably have one right now.  If they had released any specs whatsoever about which subset of HTML or XHTML that their device supported, well, you get it.

I’ll bet that the color one rocks tho.