Nokia 9500 Emulator: A First Look



The Java emulator is smaller than the C++ emulator, but in the past the C++ emulators have been closer to the final product.  I was suprised when I installed the Java emulator.  It looks a lot more polished than the Series 90 Java emulator was when it was released.

Here’s a look at what the J2ME emulator looks like (click on the thumbnails for full size images):

The bootup screen

The desktop


Opera 6.x browser


Word processor



Office applications

The media folder

Image viewer

The tools folder

The control panel

Sync program

The new Series 80 is really growing on me.  Things seem to behave as they should for people with older Communicators, but at the same time, the look and feel is much more modern.  As evidenced by a screenshot on a device, the interface should be much more colourful and polished before the 9500 hits the streets.

Update: it appears as if they shipped the standard emulator with the J2ME toolkit.  I just finished downloading the C++ SDK and the emulator looks and feels the same.  Rock on.