Day: January 9, 2004

  • Lamo Pleads Guilty, Faces 6-12 Months Prison


    Under the terms of a plea bargain entered in U.S. District Court in New York City, Lamo faces a recommended sentence of six to 12 months in prison or another form of detention. His sentencing is scheduled for April 8.

    Six to twelve months in prison is much more than everyone seems to have been expecting.  The consensus was that Lamo would face up to six months of home detention.

    We’ll see how this plays out, but it doesn’t look good.

  • Gentoo for Zaurus

    Newsforge points to Gentoo for Zaurus.

    Dude, that’s sick.

  • SOAPScope 3.0

    Via Ingo Rammer, Mindreef’s SOAPScope turns 3.0.  SOAPScope is designed to save your sanity while debugging web services.  SOAPScope rocked even before its first public release.  I give it high marks.

    For those of you on a budget, I’d suggest TCPTrace by Simon Fell, which is free as in beer.  SOAPScope is worth every penny though.

  • JDJ and J2ME, or Lack Thereof

    The electronic version of Java Developer’s Journal showed up in my inbox today.  I must say that overall I love the redesign, except for the lack of a J2ME section.  With the redesign comes four sections: Home (introductory and departments), Enterprise, Core, and Desktop.  The previous organization of the magazine included a J2ME section.

    So why did JDJ drop J2ME from its lineup?  There simply were not enough articles to fill the section.  There always seem to be enough J2EE or J2SE articles, but never enough J2ME.  It is not as if everything there is to say about J2ME has been said.  Quite the opposite.  J2ME may no longer be in its infancy, but it is still quite young.  New JSRs are constantly coming out that pertain to J2ME.  Just check out Sun’s J2ME page and look at all of them.

    J2ME continues to evolve, and at the same time many people use and develop for J2ME on a daily basis.  There have already been two major releases on the CLDC/MIDP side with things seeming to stagnate a bit on the CDC side.  And then there’s the EOLing of PersonalJava, but that’s another story.

    There continue to be excellent articles at, many J2ME articles at IBM DeveloperWorks, and Erik also keeps track of a lot of J2ME articles and blog entries.  This is great, however I am still dissapointed at the lack of J2ME articles appearing in print.  I have also noticed that J2ME has been around long enough to have a fair amount of outdated material and stagnant software.  If we are not careful, stagnation and a lack of publications could cause major problems for J2ME

  • Linux Kernel 2.6.1

    It’s old news by now, but the 2.6.1. kernel is out.  The changelog indicates lots of bugfixes and updates.

  • On Mobile Data Synchronization

    This article by Sean Reifschneider at ONLamp got me to thinking: us pocket warriors need more utilities like UUCP and NNTP to be available from our mobile phone/mobile device.  It is fairly impractical to transfer the command line UNIX toolbox to mobile phones, but I think we need some more support for some of the various protocols out there.

    I searched Handango for both UUCP and NNTP and came up with zero results for any of the mobile platforms (save for some NNTP readers for Palm and Windows CE).  Of course there might be some obscure open source project out there, but it’s sure as hell not in the channel.

    While I’m at it, another thing that mobile phones could use is rsync.  Yes, of course we already have SyncML for most mobile phone platforms, but as Frank points out, it is not used widely, and even when it is, there are some issues that must be dealt with.

    Rsync or a similar solution could really help me keep my sanity.  On a typical computing day, I might find myself needing similar or identical information/data/files on my home dekstop, my laptop, a work desktop, my 3650 or my 9290.  Currently one of the easiest ways to bridge my desktops and mobiles is via email.  Each phone has its own email address (useful for sending programs) and I also have a generic mobile email address that is shared between the phones.  I tend to use IMAP over POP everywhere, because that way the information is stored server-side and I can access it whenever needed.  I would probably use LDAP to sync my contacts, but I haven’t bothered to set up an LDAP server yet.

    Several things could satisfy my need to sync files, data, information, and other stuff.  SyncML might do it, but most current SyncML implementations seem to be written to sync mobile data to a server and possibly retreive the data with a desktop.  I would ideally like to access a particular subset of my data from any of the many access methods I find myself using.  I have not looked in to it thoroughly, but rsync might just do the trick.  All I need now is a mobile client.  A lightweight approximation of Groove, iDisk, or iSync might do it, but alas, I am currently stuck in the world of OS9.x on the mac side.  It would be an extra bonus to reuse an existing technology or protocol, so that I could leverage existing software or frameworks.  I keep thinking that rsync would be ideal because there are already good clients for Linux, Windows, and Mac.  The only thing lacking right now seems to be on the mobile side.

    I think I read on more than one list that 2004 is going to be a major year for device convergence and synchronization of data.  I’m ready for that to happen.