GPRS with OSX and Thoughts on T-Zones



Ask Bjorn Hansen writes up his experiences with T-Mobile GPRS and OSX.  T-Mobile’s naming scheme seems a bit weird.  They tend to apply “T-Zones” to many different things in many different contexts.  In my part of the US, they don’t even offer any non-T-Zones plans.  I pay $10 a month for unlimited T-Zones which includes all of the GPRS that I can use, a couple hundred extra SMS messages, and access to the T-Zones portal.

I wish that T-Mobile would get off their butts and remove the references to Voicestream that I keep running in to.  My t-zones homepage was set to when I signed up with T-Mobile, though honestly I’m more likely to start out at the wap page.  It has cute little icons whereas the US wap site is just an ugly list of stuff.  Of course what T-Mobile really needs to do is start migrating to an XHTML-MP site as the number of devices that are XHTML-MP-aware are rising quickly.