Via PCLinuxOnline, White Box Enterprise Linux is derived from the open source SRPMs from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.
What would motivate someone to undertake a project such as this?
White Box Linux’s initial creation has been sponsored by the Beauregard Parish Public Library in DeRidder, LA USA out of self interest. We have several servers and over fifty workstations running Red Hat Linux and were left high and dry by their recent shift in business plan. Our choices were a difficult migration to another distribution or paying RedHat an annual fee greater than the amortized value of our hardware. So we chose a third path, made possible by the power of Open Source…. White Box Linux.
Check out the notes section of the site for some interesting quirks between the SRPMs and RHEL. Be considerate, download over BitTorrent, and keep it to yourself, mmkay? At the very least don’t tell Slashdot! 🙂