I downloaded the demo of CodeWarrior for Symbian and the Nokia s90 C++ SDK this afternoon and I can say without a doubt that the C++ emulator is ten times better than the j2me emulator. You can definitely get a feel for the environment with the C++ emulator. I built and ran the C++ Hello World program (which is a helluva lot more complex than the j2me hello world) and was blown away when the above screen popped up.
The environment is beautiful. I took the time to poke around a little bit, and everything seems to make sense so far. The only thing I am worried about is text input. It looks like your two options (at least on the 7700) will be tapping away at a virtual keyboard or using a pop-up text regognition box. Below are examples of these two types on input.

I continue to be impressed with the environment, though I do find the C++ toolchain a bit cumbersome. The Metrowerks IDE is pretty much required for writing C++ for the 7700. The C++ SDK is also a lot beefier, but you get an awesome emulator with it! The build process is run on special build files either at the command line or from within CodeWarrior. I can’t complain, I just wish that it was easier. From grokking the various examples that are included with the SDK, the C++ route is definately the harder way to go, but it so much more powerful.
The basic Hello World app requires the following files:
HelloWorldBasic.cpp (DLL entry point)
HelloWorldBasicApplication.cpp (Application that creates a new blank document and defines the app’s UID)
HelloWorldBasicApplication.h (header)
HelloWorldBasicDocument.cpp (A document object representing the data model, constructs the App UI)
HelloWorldBasicDocument.h (header)
HelloWorldBasicAppUi.cpp (App UI object that handles the commands generated from menu options)
HelloWorldBasicUi.h (header)
HelloWorldBasicAppView.cpp (Application View object that displays data to the screen)
HelloWorldBasicAppView.h (header file)
HelloWorldBasicView.rss (Resource file. It describes the app’s menus and string resources.)
The build/make/run process isn’t too hard after that:
bldmake bldfiles
abld build winscw udeb
I’ll be diving deeper in to the development environment and emulator in the coming days.