- TyStudio “is a GPL’ed set of tools for extracting, editing, and converting of tivo tystreams to standard video/audio formats. This is done without re-encoding, so its a rather fast process. TyStudio is also entirely standards based; Every component of tystudio can be substituted with your favorite third party software (except tydemux of course).” Does this work with Series 2 tivos?
- Must check out Scalado’s stuff later.
- Nelson on scaling sprites. Wow, that’s way cool!
- Copyfight: DMCA vs. Academic Research. “In other words, what the Internet enables in scientific research, the DMCA taketh away.”
- Simon Willison gets the word out on the Python Web SIG.
- Dan Gillmor points to Audacity as mentioned by KevinMarks.
- Jakob Nielsen announces the 10 best intranets of 2003. If you’d like to get into the details, you can also read the 175 page design annual (with 97 juicy screenshots!)
- Russ picked up a Saturn Vue. He had hopped on IRC from the dealership yesterday. Ahh, technology. Good luck driving a stick in San Francisco! 🙂
- PyPI announces the release of Karrigell 1.3 beta. It is a web app framework (in Python of course) that also includes Gadfly for its SQL backend.
- I moblogged a soldier going home and a LED sign from the cool parking system currently in beta at BWI airport.
- Must start reading Hacknot.
- MT-Blacklist takes care of that pesky comment spam in Movable Type.