Apple Safe from the Matrix?



Here’s a quote from the back cover of my freshly purchased copy of The Animatrix:

This DVD willl not work in a CD-ROM drive and the DVD-ROM features are not available on Apple Macintosh.

That’s kind of a bummer for Mac-based Matrix heads.  DVD-ROM content usually sucks anyway, so hopefully you’re not missing out on too much.

A special note to the RIAA and MPAA:

I saw The Animatrix before Reloaded came out thanks to peer to peer file sharing technology.  Last night I purchased The Animatrix because of p2p.  You gained a sale, you didn’t loose one.  I wasn’t quite sure if it was worth purchasing based on the four quicktime shorts that are on the net.  I saw the whole thing and knew that I had to have it.  Stuff like this happens more often than your statistics show.

That is all.