Creating XML With Python



This morning I wrote up a quick tutorial on producing XML with Python.  There seems to be many resources on parsing XML in Python, but very few articles/howtos on actually creating it.  Here’s the sample code from the first part of this hopefully multipart tutorial:

from xml.dom.minidom import Document

# Create the minidom document
doc = Document()

# Create the <wml> base element
wml = doc.createElement(“wml”)

# Create the main <card> element
maincard = doc.createElement(“card”)
maincard.setAttribute(“id”, “main”)

# Create a <p> element
paragraph1 = doc.createElement(“p”)

# Give the <p> elemenet some text
ptext = doc.createTextNode(“This is a test!”)

# Print our newly created XML
print doc.toprettyxml(indent=”  “)

You can find the output of this program and some links in the article.  Murphy willing, more will follow.

Update: The code listing should be fixed.