Incredible Universe



Don Box (with a new look):

I had to have one, so I drove down to Incredible Universe (a consumer electronics mini-chain whose assets were eventually bought out by Fry’s Electronics).

Incredible UniverseAhh, Incredible Universe.  What a year or so that was.  I think I shopped at Incredible Universe twice.  Both times were at the Incredible Universe near Potomac Mills in Virginia.  The first time I scoped things out, the second I bought a (musical) keyboard.

Incredible Universe was of the biggest (and arguably ugliest) of the big big box stores.  The shell still sits outside of the mall, though I’m pretty sure they painted it a more mundane color.  They even painted the weird UFO-looking structure that was out front.

Olivia Barr, a DC-based photographer has an awesome picture of the loading docks at the Incredible Universe on artnet.  More information about her can be found at her Conner Contemporary Art page.