Day: April 9, 2003

  • Microsoft Real Time Communications Server == IM


    Microsoft on Thursday plans to announce that its Greenwich software will be renamed Microsoft Real Time Communications Server 2003, which it plans to roll out the first half of the third quarter.


    “We’re taking instant messaging as the first enterprise solution here,” said Ed Simnett, lead product manager for Microsoft’s real-time collaboration group. “Forming the cornerstone of that is…the idea that it really changes the way information workers do their jobs by seeing the presence of their co-workers.”

  • They’re Zones, Man

    The Register:

    It’s still a ways off, but when Solaris 10 arrives, Sun Microsystems will ship the OS with a new type of partitioning technology called Solaris Zones.

    In many ways, the Solaris Zones – known internally by the Kevlar code-name – will be a hardened version of the Solaris Containers currently offered to users for keeping applications isolated from each other. With the Zones, users can split up applications into numerous different compartments all running on one OS image. The amount of processor power, I/O bandwidth and memory for each Zone can be altered, and each one can also be rebooted, said John Fowler, CTO of software at Sun.

    This sounds potentially cool as long as it’s not PR BS.  It sounds like a little mainstream virtualization.  Cool!

  • MySQL 4.1.0 (Alpha) Released

    LWN notes:

    MySQL 4.1.0, a new version of the popular Open Source Database, has been
    released. It is now available in source and binary form for a number of
    platforms from our download pages at and
    mirror sites.

    Watch out, 4.1.0 is an Alpha release and probably not the best thing for production use.  Granted, MySQL’s idea of Alpha is probably much more stable than others, but throw it on your testbed, not your server.

  • FreeBSD Boots x86-64


    Daily Daemonnews reports that support for PAE and bigger than 4GB Ram on x86 has been committed to FreeBSD -current. Also, Peter Wemm posted a message showing a dmesg output of a real AMD Clawhammer x86-64 processor booting up 5.0-CURRENT.

  • Pure Python DES and 3-DES

    The Python Package Index makes note of pyDes 1.0, a pure python implementation of both DES and Triple DES.  The pyDes homepage is here.

  • 3 GHz P4s and 800MHz FSB

    Also from Infoworld:

    Pentium 4-based PCs will get a performance boost next week when Intel begins shipping its 875 chip set, formerly known by the code name Canterwood. The new chip set revs up the highest speed of the front-side bus used with Pentium 4 chips from 533MHz to 800MHz.

  • Windows Server 2003/Windows XP x86-64


    Microsoft will release a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP for Advanced Micro Devices’ (AMD’s) forthcoming Opteron and Athlon64 processors, Microsoft announced Wednesday.

    Kiss my Opteron, Itanium2.

  • Test Driven .NET


    [MSDN] Unit Testing and Test-First Development –> great article that enlightened me on the practice of unit testing.

  • Apache Ant 1.5.3 Fixes Bugs

    Here’s a bit from the freshmeat announcement:

    The zip task family in Ant 1.5.2 contained a couple of serious bugs that have been fixed. In addition, two regressions in the FTP and manifest tasks have been detected. This final release also contains some other minor bugfixes.

    Grab it here.  Also of note:

    Ant 1.5.3 will be the last release that supports JDK 1.1. The next major release of Ant, Ant 1.6, will require JDK 1.2 or later.

  • Feedster is a Bargain


    I spent a lot of time talking with Scott over at tonight. If Google or MSN or Yahoo were smart, they’d buy him right now before he gets too expensive. He groks human relationships and I bet that his search engine will — within a year — be as important to me as Google is now.

  • eXtreme (Marriage) Partner Programming with Python

    Satheesh Babu:

    As my wife wrote, we have been looking at Python as a programming language, together. I think it took some time for her to digest lack of semi-colons and the notion of meaningful indentation (just like how I felt when I saw Python first), but she now strongly believes that this is the language one should use to teach programming. Amen.

    Here’s something that struck me as oh so true:

    …pseudo code works…

    Ain’t that grand?