Pictures From Washington Interns Gone Bad



Sorry about the delay.  320×240 versions of the pictures that I took last night are now up.  They will reside at my Washington Interns Gone Bad Page.  Here are two of my favorites:

That’s my older sister on the right.

I realized last night that I know very little about the DC blogging scene.  I was talking to the director before the showing, and he said, “man, you sure talk about some high end shit.”  I guess.  Of course, the stuff I talk about is second grade spelling compared to some of the bloggers that I read.

I think everything went well last night.  I’m still amazed that they were able to put this together on a sub-$1000 budget.  It could really be the next Clerks, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, or Rocky Horror Picture Show.  I mean it.