SimPy and The Quest for self.happy



Klaus Miller’s article at O’Reillynet covering simulation with SimPy looks like one of those things that I would look into with a 25th hour to my day:

Simulating complex real-world systems is now possible with SimPy, an open source simulation package. SimPy, originally developed by the authors of this article, has been developed to production quality by a small team of enthusiastic open sourcerers around the world. As far as we know, it is the only existing discrete event Python simulation package. Actually, it is one of a very small number of fully object oriented simulation systems. This article is written with the explicit goal of whetting the appetite of simulation newbies to play with this powerful problem solving technique and to get even more users and developers for SimPy.

There are hidden truths in this article:

21         if waitTime < Customer.toomuch:
22             return 'happy'
23         else:
24             return 'unhappy'