Oh ho, he said, this is different — it has a smaller flame than your lighter.
So I flipped off the wind-shield, and cranked the little valve-control lever around counterclockwise, and then lit the lighter. A foot-long jet of flame shot out of it.
Day: February 7, 2003
TSA Contraband
Testing Trackbacks with tblib
Frank is looking for someone to test whether his Trackback works. Radio doesn’t support Trackback – so perhaps some kind person will help. Thanks!
I use Radio, and therefore don’t have trackback support, but I did ping his weblog manually with a python trackback library that I wrote. His trackbacks seem to be working fine.
[user @ box tb]$ ./tbclient.py -tburl http://www.koehntopp.com/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi/204 -title "Testing Trackback" -excerpt "I use Radio, which doesn't support trackback either, so I'm pinging gadgetguy.de with a command line client using tblib." -blogname "Matt Croydon::postneo" -url http://postneo.com/2003/02/07.html#a1992
Trackback command line client here. Preparing TrackBack...
TrackBack URL: http://www.koehntopp.com/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi/204
TrackBack Title: Testing Trackback
TrackBack Excerpt: I use Radio, which doesn't support trackback either, so I'm pinging gadgetguy.de with a command line client using tblib.
Your Weblog Name: Matt Croydon::postneo
Your URL: http://postneo.com/2003/02/07.html#a1992
Pinging http://www.koehntopp.com/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi/204...
HTTP Response: 200 OK
TrackBack Error Code is: 0 (zero is okay)
Done! -
Dict, Python clients, and Gophers, Oh My!
I don’t use a spell checker for this weblog, and I’m truly sorry for that. Sucks to be you, my reader. Most of the time if I’m not sure of the spelling of a word, I’ll either look it up at dict.org or find a similar, easier to spell word.
I was curious about DICT protocol clients, so I went to the links page. This led me to John Goerzen’s Python client class. I’m taking a look at it now, it looks simple yet powerful. John hosts his content with a gopher. I miss gopher. Gopher used to be the coolest thing on the planet.
Of course John has also written a gopher server in Python. It’s called PyGopherd (duh!). I so have to set one up.