SOAP Behind the Firewall




Phil Wainewright:

Integration vendor Cysive has issued a report that recommends dispensing with SOAP for high-volume applications deployed inside an enterprise, writes line56. “If we’re inside the firewall, why do we need to get to http, which is a relatively slow protocol, and why do we have to do all this parsing to get there?” wonders the company’s director of public relations.

I’d like to paraphrase something that Sam Ruby said during his talk at the Web Services DevCon East:

If you control both ends of the wire, SOAP is probably not for you.

I think I got that about right, I’ll have to check my notes.  That’s what came to my head while reading Phil’s entry.  If you control both ends of the wire, RMI, .NET remoting, COM, or other forms of communication are probably faster and more appropriate.