Wireless Automotive Area Networks



Wi-Fi News:

See the USA with a Wi-Fi array: I’m trying to hard to fit the jingle to the story, but automotive Wi-Fi may take off, with units in the car talking to mobile components to transfer music, misc. Imagine having a gateway in your car that provides an Car Area Network (CAN). Imagine bridging the CAN to GSM/GPRS as needed. Imagine bridging the CAN to a hot spot location when you’re near one. Imagine that you can do that today with…a Macintosh running OS X or a Windows XP box with the right hoo-ha. But in-car, permanent components would be better. [via TechDirt]

I wouldn’t use CAN, as CAN in Automation has that acronym covered.  I wouldn’t use CANOpen either.  I stumbled across the technology which is usually carried over an RS-232 or similar connection and usually connects components and sensors at a very low level.

Random: I found out about the stuff at a real time and embedded conference several months ago.  How about WAAN?