Eldred Looses




hondo77 writes “In a 7-2 decision, The Supreme Court gave Disney what they wanted. Story just broke, no details yet.” They’re talking about the Eldred case, recently argued before the Supreme Court and mentioned on Slashdot many times. The upshot is that no works produced in the United States after the 1920’s will ever go out of copyright. Opinions: Majority opinion, Stevens’ dissent, Breyer’s dissent.

From what I hear, Lessig did all that he could, though he is down on himself about the case.  I don’t think anyone out there could have done any better:

So I’ve got to go get onto a plane to go to my least favorite city (DC). My inbox is filling with kind emails from friends. Also with a few of a different flavor. It’s my nature to identify most closely with those of the different flavor. David Gossett at the law firm of Mayer Brown wrote Declan, “Larry lost Eldred, 7-2.” Yes, no matter what is said, that is how I will always view this case. The constitutional question is not even close. To have failed to get the Court to see it is my failing.