Day: January 14, 2003

  • LinuxWorld Expo Blogger Dinner

    Yesterday I asked if any bloggers out there would be attending LinuxWorld Expo January 22-24.  I haven’t heard anything, but if you’d like more info or might attend, you can visit (and modify!) the wiki page I set up for it.

    I finally got around to installing MoinMoin on my web provider.  The installation was really easy.  If you’d like, you can poke around the wiki root at Matt Croydon::Postwiki.

    Update: Oops, the wiki page now actually points to the wiki page.

  • Scripting Languages Year In Review

    Slashdot pointed to a really cool scripting languages year in review.  It covers several scripting languages.

  • Windley on Web Services

    Phil Windley spoke about web services in DC today.  I wanted to be there, but I wasn’t able to get out of work.  I’m going to look at his slides and pretend that I was there.

  • PyCon 2003 Update

    I just got an email from the Pycon interest mailing list by Guido van Rossum.  Here are some details on pricing:

    • $150 early bird (registered and paid up to 4 weeks before the conference)
    • $200 regular pre-registration (registered and paid up to a few days before the conference)
    • $250 all on-site payment (pre-registration is still strongly recommended when paying on-site, to ensure your space and to speed up badge creation)

    There is also an IRC channel on called #pycon.

  • Freshmeat Roundup

    Here are several programs that I think are worth mentioning or taking a look at.  These have been released or updated in the last day or so.  I regularly try to point out notable freshmeat releases in individual posts, but there are a bunch today:

    fn 0.0.1 was announced on freshmeat today.  Here’s the project description:

    fn (FetchNews) is a non-interactive command-line tool for downloading and aggregating xml-based newsfeeds from web sites. It is suitable for use in a cron job to gather newsfeeds and generate reports at regular intervals.

    It looks like this bad boy is written in C for the following reason:

    A program like this should really have been done in a scripting language like perl or python, but when I started writing it I was bored with both those languages and was looking for a challenge.

    Good stuff.  The author has made some output from his program available.

    pycURL 7.10.3 (and the underlying cURL/libCURL 7.10.3) has been released.  Looks like a bugfix/tweak release from here.

    JCTerm, a Java SSH2 terminal emulator, 0.0.2 has been released:

    New features include sftp support, function keys and arrow keys support, and improved rendering speed.

    TkVNC, a VNC viewer written in pure Tcl/Tk (!!!), 0.9 is out.

    Qt# 0.6 is out:

    This version improves support for Portable.NET and Ximian Mono, corrects the ctor signature for QTabWidget, now explicitly names all anonymous enums, includes boxing constructor access modifiers, adds missing methods to QComboBox, corrects ctor syntax for the examples, adds byte[] to QByteArray conversion, adds a new qmake-based build system for qtc distributions, adds a new csant-based build system for Qt# distributions, and includes a QFractals sample, a port of a Java quantum fractal generator to C#.

  • Linking to Your RSS Feed in Radio

    Sam Ruby encouraged me to link to my RSS feed, which Mark Pilgrim had suggested before I started blogging with Radio.  Mark pointed to instructions by Dave Winer on adding this, rsd, and blogroll support to your Radio template.  It’s as easy as adding a little macro to the head of your template, Radio takes care of the rest.

  • New Edition of Py (the zine)

    NewsForge notes that Py (the zine) 1.3 is out.

  • KeithDevens.php

    Keith Devens has been playing with PHP 4.3.0.  At first he had to squash some quirky behavior that the upgrade caused, but now he’s exploring new undocumented stuff like debug_backtrace().

  • Good For Google

    Ovidiu Predescu:

    Tomorrow will be my last day working at HP, I’ve accepted an offer to join Google. While I’m sure I’ll miss a lot of colleagues at HP I’ve worked with, I’m really excited about the new job. I’ll get a chance to work in the most successful start-up in the Valley at the moment, and get to do some really exciting things.

  • Sam Gentile’s Introduction to Managed C++

    Sam Gentile unleashed his Introduction to Managed C++ for O’Reillynet this afternoon.  Congrats, Sam!