Web Hosts and ISPs



Kenneth Hunt uses pair Networks for his web hosting and likes them.  I used them for a few years before I started weblogging.  I never had any downtime, their email tech support was responsive, it felt like a mom and pop shop from when I signed up until I cancelled my service.  My account was on ando.pair.com, machine #45.  I had a hard time justifying the bills when I was only working a few hours a week during school, so I had to leave pair.  When it came time to put up shop on the ‘net again, Westhost was cheaper and several people recommended it.

I miss pair though.  It was nice to see the company grow, to move to a bigger facility, and expand.  I felt the same way with CAIS (Capital Area Internet Service).  When I started using them as my ISP (shell + PPP, baby!) they were owned and operated almost entirely by women.  I think eventually they got bought by Verio and service went downhill, but for several of the early Internet years, they were great.

Remember Trumpet Winsock?  Heh.