Bloggers as ‘Open Source coders’



Chris Gulker nails it:

Andrew Brown offers a good comment. My thoughts: the constraints on coders are relatively obvious and straightforward: not so for ‘bloggers – in a way, bloggers have to work harder, and think through more ‘fuzzy’ undefined stuff, to offer a step forward… Harder, IMHO, than writing code with a specific input/output… you put yourself out in ‘opinion space’ where anyone can shoot you down… no code expertise required…

Weblogs are a creative outlet for some and a semi-professional news gathering/commentary exercise for others.  The great thing about weblogs is that even if you only have a handful of readers and say something intelligent enough to be picked up, your meme might travel a long way.  It is the modern equivalent of annonymity and freedom that bbses and the early internet offered.  If you’ve got interesting stuff to say, someone will be listening.