CC For Software



Jon Udell comments in Sam Ruby’s weblog about CC for software:

Regarding the license, I again thank Shelley for raising what I think are important questions. I’m still unsure about my use of that license. The whole project is an experiment, and it became part of the experiment. I will say, though, that my 5 lines of JavaScript (which became 3 lines today, when I took another look at) is not much of a test case for CC w/respect to software. I’m mainly an idea person, a writer, and a scripter, not a professional developer. Even if CC is right for my project, I would not presume to advocate it in place of established licenses for more conventional kinds of software projects.

And I’m not usually a troublemaker.  There are concerns about some of the details about Creative Commons licenses.  I’m sure that everyone involved will do the best that they can to iron those issues out.  Let’s not let the whole CC for software debate overshadow the hard work done by everyone at Creative Commons.

They’ve put up.  They’ve released code.  Now, lets submit ‘patches,’ suggestions as to how the Creative Commons licenses could be improved.  Let’s speculate.  Let’s help out a great idea.