O’Reilly Articles: Java, Java, Web Services



More O’Reilly goodness this evening:

Configuring Tomcat with IIS Web Server by James Goodwill:

In this article, we are going to continue our Tomcat Connector discussions with a look at how to configure Tomcat and Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) using the JK v1.2 Connectors.

Introducing MDIP 2.0 by Timothy Appnel:

The J2ME Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) specification was introduced just over two years ago to provide an open development platform for resource-constrained networked devices, such as commercial mobile phones. Since its introduction, the MIDP profile is proving to be the leading technology platform worldwide for developing this brand of mobile applications. Supporters include mobile carriers from around the world, including NTT DoCoMo, Sprint, and Vodafone, in addition to device manufacturers like Nokia, Motorola, and Research In Motion. The November 2002 release of version 2.0 of the specification introduced substantial new capabilities to the base platform that will enable developers to create more effective and powerful applications with less effort.

From XML-RPC to SOAP: A Migration Guide, by Rich Salz:

As you might expect from the name, XML-RPC is a way of using XML to send classic Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) over the net. XML-RPC’s use of XML is very simple. It doesn’t use namespaces. It doesn’t even use attributes.

My thoughts are (in decending order): Sometimes you need Tomcat to play nice with IIS, MIDP 2.0 looks promising, and there are some things that XML-RPC is still good for, though SOAP is getting easier to use.  With my experiences, it has been much easier to do SOAP calls in .NET than Java, but it wasn’t particularly hard in Java, it was just more CLI and less WYSIWYG.