Referral Gem of the Day



Wow, I got linked in Japanese by Ryuji Abe [site translated to English] in The diary formerly known as Go ahead make my day:

I’ll assume that Ryuji wasn’t calling me names and say thanks for the link. (Babelfish says: “By portable telephone blog”).  Ryuji’s site runs on a GPL’d program called hns (or the Hyper NIKKI System).  I don’t see any references to RSS, so I can’t keep track of this blog in my aggregator.  There are some good links in there.  Time to add something else to my list: learn Japanese before I die.  For the short term, perhaps I should break out some script-fu and scrape the babelfish translations once a day and spit out some (valid) RSS.  His diary reads much like an Advogato diary: Projects, Links, Life.

Being the stupid American that I am, I just found out from Ryuji that there is a Slashdot Japan [rdf].  The eerie part: there’s a poll without CowboyNeal as an answer.

OSDN Japan