Day: December 10, 2002

  • Mono 0.17 Released

    From the Mono news page:

    Many new features as well as plenty of bug fixes. Many new System.Data providers and a more mature System.Web (ASP.NET) which can now be hosted in any web server. A simple test web server to host has been released as well.

  • O’Reilly Roundup

    John Udell: Scripting Groove Web Services.  It’s a little more technical than other GWS articles he’s written, and it also contains some sample code in Perl and C#.  I met John Burkhardt (more accurately I listended as he spoke) in Boston a few months ago, and I’m glad to see some of this web services stuff see the light.

    Matthew MacDonald covers Visual Studio .NET macros:

    Now that the .NET mania is finally settling down and developers are starting to adapt to life with the platform, it’s a good time to consider a few less-revolutionary (but very practical) details that can simply your programming life. One of these is the often-overlooked macro engine and extensibility model that’s built into Visual Studio .NET.

    Shawn Van Ness talks about NDoc for .NET and what sets it apart from other mine-info-from-source documentation tools.