Open Source SourceForge



LWN has a good summary of the current state of open source forks of the sourceforge codebase.  It also announces GForge, a cleaned up version of the last beta that VA Software.  GForge is forked from alexandria 2.61pre4.  Here’s a good summary of the current state of things:

The Debian project’s Debian-SF package is based on alexandria 2.5, the last full release before VA Software withdrew development code and removed the CVS repository.  The “Savannah” fork ( is derived from the v. 2.0 alexandria release code.  BeriOS Developer ( forked a codebase from a very early alexandria release, maybe v. 1.5.  The sf-genericinst and X-Forge projects seem to have died.  XoopsForge and GBorg/GBSite are clones, but otherwise unrelated.