Web Services



I have managed to set up a web service that generates the same output as the SOAP::Lite implementation I hacked together last week using Axis.  It was a little less trivial to implement, but most of that was squashing the nitpicky Java stuff without an IDE, which was extremely educational but a little time consuming.  I’ve managed to call it from another Linux machine with a SOAP::Lite-based client.  I may still have to work out a few kinks in order to get a .NET-based client to work properly.  Right now it is timing out, which I’m sure is my fault on either the server or the client side.

I also got an email this afternoon from Jake Savin about my problems with the AggregatorAPI.  I’m still pretty sure that these are my problems (I still get bogged down on a lot of gotchas), and not with the XML-RPC interface, but I will put an email together this evening and shoot it off to radio-dev.