news_sections = rss.FeedConfiguration( slug = 'headlines', title_cb = lambda param: param and (' stories: %s' % param.title) or ' stories', link_cb = lambda param: param and param.get_absolute_url() or '/news/', description_cb = lambda param: param and (' stories: %s' % param.title) or ' stories', param_func = sections.get_object_or_combined, param_kwargs_cb = lambda slug: {'url__exact': slug, 'site_id__exact': SITE_ID}, get_list_func_cb = lambda obj: obj and obj.get_story_list or stories.get_list, get_list_kwargs = {'limi': 20}, get_list_kwargs_cb = lambda obj: (not obj) and { 'status__exact': stories.STATUS_LIVE, 'sites__id__exact' : SITE_ID, 'where': ["pub_date <= NOW()"], 'limit': 20, } or {}, )