

Teach pycco about diffs and a non-standard comment syntax (#) for literate diffing.

Original diff can be found at pycco.diff and can be applied to a git checkout of pycco using awk and patch:

$ cat pycco.diff | awk '!/\#/' | patch -p1

diff --git a/pycco/ b/pycco/
index 67efe41..86ac62e 100644
--- a/pycco/
+++ b/pycco/
@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ languages = {
         "multistart": "--[[", "mutliend": "--]]"},
     ".erl": { "name": "erlang", "symbol": "%%" },

Add non-standard comments while allowing Pycco to handle .diff files.

+    ".diff": { "name": "diff", "symbol": "#"},

Build out the appropriate matchers and delimiters for each language.