



I’m a little late to the announcement party, but I’ll be attending DjangoCon and sitting on a panel about Django in Journalism with Maura Chace and Matt Waite. The panel will be moderated by our own Adrian Holovaty.

I think the panel will be pretty fantastic but I can’t help be just as terrified as my fellow panelists. I love that we’ll have both Journalist-programmers and Programmer-journalists on the panel, and I love that Django is so often the glue that brings the two together.

DjangoCon is going to be awesome.


2 responses to “DjangoCon!”

  1. Matt Waite Avatar

    Dude, what are you afraid of? You actually know what you’re talking about! I’m just going to sit up there and refer questions to you, if that’s okay…

  2. sean Avatar

    DjangoCon sounds quite awesome!
    I’m so looking forward to join~